Sunday, February 27, 2011

Black History Month Cartoon

While I embrace anyone of any race, gender, belief, class, or sexual preference daily—every February I celebrate Black History Month by proudly reading, learning, talking, and thinking about African Americans’ cultural backgrounds and respectable achievements. Today, I was thinking of a cartoon that I created related to deaf black people. Here is a humorous (probably a little funny) art that a friend of mine asked me to do for a publication of one of chapters under National Black Deaf Advocates.

I sold an ACEO (Art Cards, Editions and Originals) of Martin Luther King, Jr. signing “dream” in 2 years ago. Great timing to post this!

Thanks for checking out this blog.



Dianrez said...

Love the King cartoon! It should become a classic.

Shawn Richardson said...

Hi Dianrez,

I think about creating more King cartoon cards next year - in February and January.